Tuesday, October 25, 2016

ACL Injuries

I can honestly say that this injury is the biggest challenge a soccer girl could ever have to face. I would know, I have now done this twice. But yes, it is possible to return to play.

A little background on my story... The first time this happened to me I was playing in a winter outdoor game during December of 2014. My team was winning 5-0 and there was very little time left. I went to cross the ball, landed funny, and then heard the pop. I instantly went down having no clue what had just happened. It was hard to walk and I needed help off of the field. After MRIs and XRAYs later I found out I had torn my ACL. I was in disbelief because this is an injury I never thought I would have to face. Eight months of rehab later I was finally cleared to play the sport I love again. I used my fall season to adapt back to my speed of play. I would play around 20 minutes a half. Then in spring season I had found my feet again. I played every high school game of my senior season starting at left defender. We beat teams that we never had before and accomplished a lot as a program. Before I knew it I was playing in my last high school game ever with a clear vision of my future. I could not have been more excited to play at Washburn University in a few short months.

But then it happened again. It was the end of the first half and I went to stop the ball in the corner. As I stopped, the opposing player behind me ran through my knee and fell. I felt that heartbreaking pop and fell to the ground. Tears instantly filled my eyes. Not out of pain, but out of fear of the unknown and expectation of myself to play in college. My coaches rushed the field to calm me down. I left for home and visited my doctor the next day only for him to confirm what I already knew.

Flash forward to student orientation. I had to tell my new college coach that I had torn my ACL again. I didn't know what to expect. Was I still going to be on the team? Were my teammates still going to like me? Would I still be a part of things? Would I like my trainers at WU? The answer to all of this is yes. I sit here writing this four months later and I could not be more blessed with the team I have. My coach still keeps me involved, I have PT with a trainer who encourages me everyday, and my teammates are my best friends.

Injuries happen, but the way to get through them is by never giving up. It is one of the hardest things to overcome, but with a positive mind set, supportive family and teammates, and a lot of hard work, it is possible to overcome an ACL tear.

If unsure where the ACL is in relation to the knee view the link below:


  1. I always hate hearing about injuries for player and it hindering their playing abilities! This happens so much in dance too; I know your pain!

  2. I always hate hearing about injuries for player and it hindering their playing abilities! This happens so much in dance too; I know your pain!

  3. I'm so sorry about your injuries, Cassie! It's amazing how you power through, remain dedicated, and keep doing what you love.
