Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why College Athletes Rarely Wear Makeup

Walking around a college campus it is very unlikely to see a college athlete wearing makeup. The reason isn't because we don't like it, because the truth is when I go out I love to wear makeup. The reasons are actually quite understandable.

Reason 1: We just don't have time.
Simply put there are very few athletes who feel motivated enough after 6am practices to go put on makeup before class. That time is most likely used to take a nap.

Reason 2: We may cry at some point during the day.
Whether it is after running five 120 sprints or having a serious talk with coach, chances are tears might be shed.

Reason 3: We don't know where to start.
Most of us still don't know what conturing your face even means. This is why we have our non-athlete, makeup genius friends help us fix our face for those occasional nights out.

Reason 4: We will sweat it off.
After being in the training room twice a day and going to practice the makeup will most likely be sweat off.

Reason 5: We are naturally beautiful.
Sure all of the above reasons are true, but at the end of the day the biggest reason is that we are naturally beautiful girls, of course.

1 comment:

  1. You know me - I love makeup! I would love to do your makeup sometime if you want!
