Monday, October 24, 2016

Don't Let Coach See...

As a soccer player or athlete in general there are some things that coach should never see.

1. Cutting Corners on Sprints- If your coach sees this happen I apologize for what comes next. The rest of practice will most likely consist of running (soccer ball not included).

2. Party Pics- At top levels most coaches follow you on social media. Do yourself a favor and keep the pictures of nights out with friends to yourself. 

3. Drinking Soda During Season- Just don't do it at team meals with your coach. If you do, expect the health lecture that follows.

4. Equipment Left Outside- Equipment costs money and coaches don't want to replace it. Most coaches will make you run as a punishment.


  1. This was super interesting to read about!

  2. I love the Kicking and Screaming reference! This is a really funny post!
